Sunday, February 26, 2006


THE 26th of the 2ND IN THE YEAR 2006.

Araman's Net User Note:
I'm currently accessing the net from a laptop I stole from a lady sitting on a parkbench. (There was a small struggle. But I'm ok.)

I'm lucky. Theres no doubt about that. My first concept on Multimedia has developed through the continual hopping from workstation to workstation based upon the Generosity of others. From Dingy apartments, cafe's, terrace houses, bookstores, villa's, primary school's, telemarketer office stations, preschools and cash registers - I've familirased myself with the net, and the term Multimedia.

“Well…Yes.” These are two words I find myself saying often. These two small words take less than a heart beat of energy to pronounce. Together, they form an awfully short response, that typically most people would consider to carry very little weight of thought and implication of emotional level, but this is untrue. The question that this reply usually correlates too is “So, your a bum? A homeless person?”

But in fact, my response, although only amounting to two separate words, come together after a long process of thought. Initially, I wanted to address this blunt inquiry with a direct aggressiveness. But no. To harsh on the Questioner. I then thought maybe it would be best to answer this subtly – but the art of being subtle takes time – it’s a long and delicate process of carefully selected words on a rickety train of thought. But noting that my questioner, having now been waiting for a response for over 20 seconds (which is an exceptionally long pause in a conversation,) has now lost interest in you, and in his/her question – you simply answer: “Well…Yes.”

Tonight, I was aggravated by this memory, when it came to me while I was sitting here on the sidewalk “prowling the web,” wirelessly from the Woman's laptop while sipping on some Scotch. Why? Because it was just one of the many thousands of situations that I’ve encountered, where I look back and feel the urge to hurt myself for acting the way I did, or saying the things I did, as in this case. (Usually, I would hurt myself by pulling the teeth from my gums, but alas...I have none. I removed them all years ago for a Centrelink entitlement.)

What’s typical of me, Is that I still don’t understand Course Codes and all the hoo-ha. I had my second class of MPI104 today, sitting in the Theatrette – occasionally losing my concentration to story ideas and concepts, and contemplating the ingredients in my next sandwich. I took to looking at my fellow Multimedia students. I'm doing my best to keep a neutral opinion.

hey mate nath again loved the site told em bout it she thinks its funny too...i hope that was the aim lol neways look ford to more funny material. cheers nath
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An atypical itinerant homeless man. Honest, entertaining and refreshingly original.
Slower Linking
Urinal Dot Net

Bum Fights

Rum and Monkey

Walking Drunk

Drink Nation

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