Monday, February 27, 2006


The 27th of the 2nd IN THE YEAR 2006.

Araman's Net User note: I’ve hacked into the network of the local Solicitors. (Still using the lady’s laptop from the park.)

When one is in a state of delirium there is a number of things people tend to do. Some slur their words, most mumble. Some journey without purpose. Some stick unfamiliar objects in their mouths. Everyone dribbles. Toes are stubbed inadvertently. A state of humble content is never achieved. For me, I ‘prowl’ the net. Give me a search engine and a single word - (Technology) and I’m off!

The time passes me by in the form of a lonely vagabond, wearing soft-soled shoes or nothing at all. And walks by. Silently behind me, letting me be. Many hours go by, many hours – This is my state of delirium.

Viewing “The New York Times” website under things related to technology I found an Article on “Black Berry’.” A modern technological device that’s purpose and function still eludes me. I clicked on it, hoping to be enlightened but my mind drifted someway down the article. Perhaps you will have better luck. I kept going clicking here, then here and on this. Who'd you vote for? (I guess many of you wouldn't know. Seeing that most who view this site will probably be Australasian.)

Thats the funny thing about it though. I'm not American, I just like Polls. The internet has given a voice to the normally voiceless. (Including me Yes.) So that being so. Who'd you vote for?

Dear Aramon,
May have a set of Syrian handrails for you unfortunately made from Huon Pine please advise Nerak
Thanks Nerak. Letskeep in contact and discuss details privately.
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