Thursday, March 16, 2006


Cigar's taste worse than dead animals.

Araman’s Net User Note: I’m at Centrelink, stealing internet credits from the Boss’ Computer while he takes a Whizz.

I think I’ve finally caught something. Sitting on a public bench situated only feet from the road – I was wasting away the hours by lighting up and smoking the remains of discarded cigarette butts that I found in the ashtray of one of the larger, iron rubbish bins. After going through about 2-dozen, I realised that I was building up a substantial amount of phlegm that inhibited me from breathing correctly. Although frequently clearing it – scratching my throat with a sharp outtake of air – my throat was in the same situation – packed with gooey phlegm again, after only several short minutes. It was only when I put down the diminishing butt of a smoking cigar that I marked my turning point - my convalescence.

Wrapping my lips around the end of a tap, I turned it on expecting my mouth to be awash with refreshing water – what I found instead, was a dead gecko, a hornets nest and a variety of insects, swishing and swaying around the sacred inner section of my mouth.

What I can draw from my experiences is that the shit from the tap, tasted better than the cigar.


An atypical itinerant homeless man. Honest, entertaining and refreshingly original.
Slower Linking
Urinal Dot Net

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