Wednesday, March 08, 2006


It depends on the shopping Trolley.

Araman's Net User Note: I'm writing this blog suspended by wires from the roof of a bank.

Being homeless isn’t easy. I think most people accept that. There are a number of demanding aspects to being a bum. Many people think that throughout a bum’s short, sweet life he or she retains only one, single shopping trolley. That’s Bullshit! Absolute bullshit. Most bums I know don’t even have one. I’d say about 85% of Bum’s don’t have them. Only the elite’s – which is what I like to call them, get the shopping trolleys.
For those true, honest bum’s – they can be expected to go through roughly 8 shopping trolley’s a year. These bums are the more materialistic ones. The totally serious ones that you find in movies, like my mate Simon, who have created a proud and shining representation of bums everywhere. (Simon’s the bum in the first Matrix film, living down in the subway.) These bums like Simon and I are the genuine thing. The one’s who use shopping trolleys in keeping our possessions in one super-secure and manageable place. It’s not stereotypical – it’s symbolic.


An atypical itinerant homeless man. Honest, entertaining and refreshingly original.
Slower Linking
Urinal Dot Net

Bum Fights

Rum and Monkey

Walking Drunk

Drink Nation

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