Monday, April 03, 2006


It's A Cheaper Alternative

Araman’s Net User Note: There is a Public telephone situated right outside a Fire Station. With merely 20c, I told the Operator the downtown Noodle factory was on Fire. Having the pleasure of watching my actions, I observed the Fire Truck, lights blaring and horns screaming – race its way out of the garage to disappear into the heat of the day. As the Noodle Factory was a 10-minute drive from the station that meant I had a minimum of 20 minutes to make this blog entry before they returned.

Waking up early (10:30am), I joyously walked the bricked pavement – passing dozens of food stalls as I went. Warming myself up under the sun. Still slightly drowsy, due to poor sleep, I hit a succession of Yawns – one after the other. My eyes, now fuzzy from the build up of tears, I had trouble seeing where I was going. As god would have it, I collided with a table – bashing my left knee while knocking a couple’s extremely hot cup of coffee and muffins into their laps. Both the couple and I shouted. Oddly, halfway through shouting, I did a very unnatural thing and swallowed a fly. As it turned out my scream sounded something like: “Aahh-ch, ch Kkkk!!”

Walking on, rubbing my knee with every second step, I realised that there was something peculiar about the taste. Several minutes on it came to me – there was this delicious Apple and Cinnamon hint to the insect - a wonderful hint - something that I felt like totally cramming in my mouth. It must have been the Muffin! Turning around, I made my way back to the Café. Searching my pockets for spare change – realising I had none.

Unable to afford a muffin, the most I could do was watch others enjoy their breakfast snack, happily unaware to the pain they were causing me, while I leant despairingly on a nearby drinking fountain – eating the second best thing that I could think of: Blow Fly’s.

as always you have amazed me with you wit and ability to roam the land finding wonderful new and crazy things to talk about! you live the most crazy and awesome life ever! it was tops reading your blog again btw..sorry its been ages since i last commented! but it was great catching up in all the things i had missed i am now newly informed and even more impressed than before! i will come give you a cuddle goodbye tomorrow and i will miss you lots and lots and lots and lots over the holidays! some days you really do just lighten everything up for me..never underestimate how much you mean to some one else! and you have a gorgeous smile hun! happy blogging and i cant wait for the next adventure! have a champion week xo
Thanks alot Sara(h). That means alot - Very awesome compliment. I'm glad I've brightened your life in some small way. Thats basically my meaning in life.
Oh, I want a muffin now.
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